What forms of payment do you accept? I accept cash and credit card

Do you accept insurance? I do not take insurance. Nor do I deal with insurance providers directly. It compromises confidentiality, limited sessions, insurance treatment plan versus client and therapist driven treatment plans, forces the therapist to put down a diagnosis (when one isn’t typically needed for treatment, insurance company access to diagnosis of client and therapy treatment notes. However, I will be glad to offer a superbill for your services for you to submit to your insurance provider.

What is your availability like? I offer morning and daytime hours and once in a while evening hours. Check with me in regards to availability. I do often offer weekends to individuals who are participating in ongoing groups (coming soon).  

What type of clients do you primarily work with? I work with kids Ages 4-10 who struggle with: Abuse, Anger, Domestic Violence, Low Self Esteem, Anxiety, Grief, Coping Skills, Separation, Divorce, Blended Family Adjustments, Relocation Issues (changing schools, homes, cities/states), School and Social-Related Issue

How should I prepare my child for the first visit? It is important that your child knows that they are not coming into counseling because they are in trouble. Most children believe that parents take them to counseling because they are bad. Often seeing a counselor gets associated with being sent to the Principal’s office. It is important to understand what your child thinks counseling is and to see how you as the parent can navigate the conversation with him/her.
