
Hi, my name is Salpi Maghakian. I’m a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. My passion is to instill hope while encouraging and empowering you on this often roller coaster-filled journey through parenthood. It is my hope that you would know you are not alone, you are heard, and you have a place that you can call your safe haven to explore your feelings and frustrations in a non-judgmental way. 

I knew from a very young age that I loved being around kids, especially when observing their world of imaginative play and connection. While in college, I enrolled in child development classes and that initially sparked an interest in teaching. However, after taking a few classes I soon realized that I wanted to do more. It was then that I enrolled in my first Intro to Counseling class and had my lightbulb moment. I realized this is exactly what I was called to do. I immediately looked for opportunities to volunteer and gain more experience. 

I began co-facilitating a grief/divorce support group for kids at a local hospital. In graduate school, along with several of my internship positions, I worked for local schools and learned the workings of the school system. I often met with parents and caregivers to support them and empower them. At the local Glendale YWCA, I was given the opportunity to work with kids of domestic violence while running groups for the shelter. I was also given the opportunity to work with moms in providing parenting groups, life skills, and general domestic violence education for the women.

The majority of my counseling experience consists of working with kids in the school system and in agency settings while supporting their caregivers with ongoing struggles. I use many therapeutic modalities, making me an eclectic therapist.

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